Good to refresh

Good to refresh

"Although most of the training was reviewing and reminding of training that I have done in the past, it was good to refresh it and bring bits back to mind. I had forgotten the time allowed to have food out (1.5 hrs) and this is important when out with clients. Also, whilst I was aware of "stock rotation", I'm not sure that I had come across the FIFO acronym before.”

Deborah, PA

MMI - Trading with Care

Deborah, PA

"Although most of the training was reviewing and reminding of training that I have done in the past, it was good to refresh it and bring bits back to mind. I had forgotten the time allowed to have food out (1.5 hrs) and this is important when out with clients. Also, whilst I was aware of "stock rotation", I'm not sure that I had come across the FIFO acronym before.”
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