Key Information

  • 3 hours (1/2 day)
  • £35 per individual
    (group booking discounts available, please contact for further information)
  • Briton Ferry, Neath or Online

Course Dates:

Please contact us to enquire

Course Aim and Objectives:

This training session will provide you with the skills, knowledge and understanding of how to support clients living with sensory impairments.

Learners successfully completing this training will gain an understanding of the factors that impact individuals with sensory loss and identify steps that can be taken to overcome any negative impact for the individual.

Key Topics covered in this training include:

The main causes and conditions of sensory loss, an understanding of congenital and acquired sensory loss, myths around sensory impairment, the impact of people’s attitudes and beliefs, the importance of effective communication and recognising when an individual may be experiencing sight and/or hearing loss and what actions to take to support them.

Qualification achieved:

MMI TWC Care Academy attendance certificate

Suitable for:

Anyone wanting to begin a career in the care sector or requiring a refresher in sensory impairment.

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