Key Information

  • 3 hours (1/2 day)
  • £35 per individual
    (group booking discounts available, please contact for further information)
  • Briton Ferry, Neath or Online

Course Dates:

Please contact us to enquire

Course Aim and Objectives:

This training session will provide you with a basic awareness of how to manage medicines for your client.

Learners successfully completing this training will gain understanding on how to safely store and dispose of medicines as well as the importance of recording when managing medicines. Completing this course does not qualify you to administer medication to your client.

Key Topics covered in this training include:

Understanding how medicines are best stored, taken and disposed of, the importance of labels and expiry dates, who to contact for advice or if you have any concerns about medicines, the importance of recording.

Qualification achieved:

MMI TWC Care Academy attendance certificate

Suitable for:

Anyone wanting to begin a career in the care sector or requiring a refresher on medication management.

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