Key Information

  • 3 hours (1/2 day)
  • £35 per individual
    (group booking discounts available, please contact for further information)
  • Briton Ferry, Neath or Online

Course Dates:

Please contact us to enquire

Course Aim and Objectives:

This information session will provide learners with some insight into the ‘lived experience’ of a person living with dementia.

Key Topics covered in this training include:

Identification of the main types of dementia, the symptoms and how they prevent themselves, an understanding of how ‘life story work’ can be helpful when supporting a person living with dementia.

We will also introduce the Me Myself & I Book, which if used purposely can create feelings of well-being, self esteem and a sense of identity for the person whilst on their journey of dementia.

Qualification achieved:

MMI TWC Care Academy attendance certificate

Suitable for:

Anyone looking to gain a basic understanding of dementia.

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