Key Information

  • 3 hours (1/2 day)
  • £35 per individual
    (group booking discounts available, please contact for further information)
  • Briton Ferry, Neath or Online

Course Dates:

Please contact us to enquire

Course Aim and Objectives:

This training session will cover the basics of keeping you and your client safe from germs, viruses and bacteria, both in everyday tasks and when storing and preparing food.

Learners successfully completing this training will understand the importance of food safety and identify what actions to take to keep infections at bay.

Key Topics covered in this training include:

Groups of people most at risk of food borne illness, key terms for food safety, effective hand washing techniques, steps to take to keep safe while shopping, protecting vulnerable people, important areas to sanitise, PPE

Qualification achieved:

MMI TWC Care Academy attendance certificate

Suitable for:

Anyone new to working with food or wanting to brush up their skills in food safety and infection control

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